Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Photos of Morton

Here are the side and top MRI photos of Morton. I am putting in a jump break so they don't show up automatically when we pull up the web page. We had seen the top view (top photo) but not the side view- clearly the side view shows the true size of Morton which was quite unnerving to us last night. However, we are reminding ourselves that just seeing it doesn't make it any bigger so it shouldn't change our optimism that God is going to heal Rion completely!

We really do want everyone to know exactly what is going on, so here they are. Please note that Morton is on the left side of Rion's brain even though on the MRI it appears on the right- the MRI reverses the images that are taken so the sides are flip flopped.


  1. Hi, I am one of Dana's dulcimer friends. We hold your whole family up in our prayers. God is abounding in steadfast love for you all. We are in Florida.
    Ann Lowe

  2. This breaks my heart to see... I've been praying for you guys, and I know that you guys must be so scared... Try to keep your heads up... We all love you guys!

  3. Thank you Dana's dulcimer friend! You are the 1st person in FL to be praying for us so thank you for extending the love all that way : )

    Cassey- yes, the photos make it so much harder since we can't deny that it's there...but seeing it doesn't change anything so we're gonna keep our spirits up and trust that God knows what He's doing

  4. Emily, I appreciate and admire your openness and candor about Rion's condition. I think you are doing the right thing. I am praying for both of you.-- Belinda

  5. Thanks Belinda- I don't know if I am doing the right thing, but I am doing what FEELS right to both me and Rion. He really wants to keep everyone in the loop and he asked me to make a public blog in the hopes that someone we don't know will stumble across it and find comfort while going through a similar sitution.

  6. Emily I think it is great that you are fighting this thing so straight-forwardly. Many prayers and lots of love... Carley

  7. Emily I want you to know we have been praying for ya'll from Florida as well. I have been thinking about you daily since this first happened. Really just have no words but I am wishing you both well. <3 Deanna Walker

  8. Isaiah is a prophet in the Bible...
    Isaiah 35:4
    say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you."

    God will save you Rion. Be strong and stay faithful to the one who heals.

    Much love and prayers to your family,

  9. Thinking and praying for ya'll today as you head to NC to Duke.

    Scott, Lizabeth and Zach Weber
    ~Bluegrass friends of Al and Dana

  10. Scott, Lizabeth, Zach Weber- thank you so much for the prayers : )

  11. I was Rion's Spanish teacher in high school and want y'all to know I'm praying.
    Shannon Maddox

  12. You and Rion are in our continued thoughts and Prayers. I am proud of your Head - on approach, Mitzi's the same way. She has such stedfast Faith and I know Ya'll do too. We need to get together for another Dinner... when your time permits.
    With Christian Love,

  13. I learned of Rion's illness through my very dear friend. . . "NowNow", and his sweet sis, April. Rion and you all are on my prayer list.
