Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Treatment started

Just a quick check-in to let everyone know that Rion did start chemo & radiation yesterday and everything went great! He didn't feel sick at all after taking the chemo and of course nothing happened at radiation. We do expect Rion to have some hair loss and skin sensitivity due to the radiation but that will not likely develop until he is a few weeks into treatment. We pray hard that these are the only side effects he experiences as we fear for worse happening. Praise God for a good 1st day as it lifts our spirits so much!! We have treatment at 3:30 today and then meet with the radiation oncologist briefly afterwards.

I also wanted to share the good news that the fertility preservation was success and nothing was damaged/harmed during transport Monday. The accompanying blood work has been received and there is nothing left for us to do in regards to this. We were so fearful that the specimen wouldn't be usable and we'd have to wait and see 18 months from now if the chemo or radiation caused infertility. While we still pray this doesn't happen, we at least know that we have a back up plan just in case.

Rion's treatments will be at 11:00 starting next week and except for Tuesday he'll be having friends/family taking him. I think we have next week covered but if you're close by in Monroe and able to help us out, please e-mail me so I can get a list together of people we can rely on. Also, if you have a specific day of the week you can help us, let me know that as well.

Last, some of you may heard or seen on Facebook that I was in a minor car wreck yesterday. I am fine and the other party involved was too. Thank goodness it wasn't my fault but now I have yet another thing on my to-do list. I'm sure God doesn't give us more than we can handle but sometimes I wonder if he has me confused with someone else LOL



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