Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Doctor appointment Tuesdays

I am going to try and make this a weekly feature  (HAHA- like I can do anything with any consistency right now) and update everyone once we have our doctor's appointments on Tuesdays.

Today we met with the radiation oncologist and medical oncologist to do Rion's blood work and discuss how treatment is going so far. The doctor's appointments went well it was just frustrating that EVERYTHING was running behind today- both doctors and his radiation treatment were at least 20 minutes late and we were early to everything. The good news is that all of his blood work came back good- white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin- everything was exactly where it should be.  I am so glad that his body seems to be tolerating the chemo & radiation so well. Except for the nausea last Thursday and the reaction to the anti-nausea medication Saturday, we haven't had any  major complications from treatment. We were prescribed a new as needed anti-nausea medication and given the go ahead to quit taking the full time anti-nausea medication around the clock so hopefully things will remain under control. I am just glad that we have a regiment that is working and so far the side effects are minimal. Today was Rion's worst day by far for fatigue- he described it as feeling foggy and hazy like he had just woken up, except it lasted for half the day. After a good lunch he was able to regain some of his energy and work around the house a bit. Hopefully the fatigue will just be an occasional battle and not something we have to work around every day, but in the grand scheme of things, I know that it could be so much worse.

That's really all from today so I'm going to keep it short and sweet tonight.



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