Sunday, January 29, 2012

Out of the hospital

Oops! I forgot to give an update yesterday and let everyone know that Rion was released from the hospital around noon. We had no trouble of getting him here to the hotel suite we will be staying in for the next few days. Once he was all settled in, he was able to FINALLY get some good rest. His appetite is still fantastic and he was even up for visiting with some family who lives in NC and came to see him yesterday! After running around like a crazy person I was able to fill all of his prescriptions (he's on 9 medication I think) and I've started a chart to keep up with everything. By God's grace (and modern medicine) he's not going to get as much as a cold until the incision is fully healed. I checked on him at 6:00am (med time) and he said he was in no pain and had slept really good...he hasn't had any pain meds since yesterday evening! I'm so proud of how position Rion is being, he doesn't argue or complain when we tell him to eat, walk around, bath, take meds, etc, he just says "ok" and does it.

I imagine life for the next few days will be kinda boring but each day that I get to spend with Rion is a blessing to me : ) We're working on tapering him off his steroids, keeping his pain under control, watching his incision to make sure the drainage stops and gradually increasing his exercise and movements which will facilitate quicker healing. Over all I couldn't ask to be in a better place right now!

I'll (try) to let everyone know if anything else comes up. I am anxious to get the full pathology report back early this week, maybe even as early as tomorrow. However I already have a peace inside that leads me to believe there aren't going to be any negative surprises there. Once we have pathology and OK from the doc to head home that's exactly what we'll be doing. The hotel we're staying at is super nice but I'm ready for my bed and my doggies!

With God's Love,


1 comment:

  1. That is fabulous news Em!! Praise GOD!!! =)))
