Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blood work & life as normal

Man, I feel like I am really letting this blog go! There just isn't really anything new to discuss on a day to day basis or even a week to week basis. I did forget to post after Rion went to the doctor last Friday for his blood work- everything was great- better than great actually. His white blood cells are UP from where they were when we were at Duke the day he started his last round of chemo. His platelets are totally fine, above the normal range for a chemo patient. His energy levels are soaring (most of the time) and his appetite is doing well.  He still struggles with not being hungry very much but when we make him eats he usually ends up eating a lot. We have notice that Rion eats a lot slower than he used to- no idea what is causing this. He doesn't seem to be eating more just taking more time. Not that there is any problem with it, just an observation.

He starts round 4 next Wednesday and we pray, pray, pray that it goes just as well as this round has. We'll have time to squeeze in 1 more round before we go to Duke next month for the big important appointment to decide if we stop chemo at 6 rounds or continue on with 12. I simply can not even think about that appointment without getting super nervous. I have an obvious love/hate relationship with Duke University Hospital and more specifically the MRI machine(s.)

Things are otherwise going along swimmingly over here. We are definitely settling back into a groove- work, social life, household chores, etc. We bicker and argue occasionally like any other couple and we also cuddle and hug way more than we used to. I still have guilt with taking time to go do something by myself because I want to spend every possible second together, it's like we're newly weds all over again (except for the bickering/arguing LOL) I would say we have done a good job of accepting the diagnosis and moving on. Except for the bald head and handicapped parking tag (that's new as of last week too) you wouldn't know there is anything wrong with Rion. Sure he has his good days and bad, feeling especially tired and very occasionally getting sick, but don't we all? We know it could be so much worse and we are thankful for all of our days together, even the bad ones.

That's all folks!


P.S For the Harris family members that read, we are planning on coming to the reunion next Saturday along with Andrew!! We are really looking forward to seeing everyone and being able to thank y'all in person for all of the love and support you've shown us.

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