Thursday, November 8, 2012


Yay!!!! Rion's last dose of chemo was Tuesday night and Tuesday was by far the worst day. He vomited 2 times (including at the oncologists office which he had to rush to an hour late after we totally forgot about his appointment.) I was very proud of him though because even though he felt horrible he still went out & voted. I posted that little fact on FaceBook to try and "shame" others into voting that might have thought they had a good excuse not to.

Each day is better than the last; he ate a normal lunch & dinner yesterday and even felt like venturing out today. Tomorrow we have plans to go out for dinner for my birthday coming up next week and I was afraid we would have to cancel them. But it looks like we are all systems go!

Rion will continue to have blood work done on Tuesdays for the next 3 weeks at which time his counts should be rebounding and he will be able to stop going. I don't know what we're going to do with all this extra time?!? Not to mention the $25 co-pays we'll save. We thank God for our insurance and our other many blessings but this last year has been a real eye opener for how quickly medical expenses can add up (still haven't paid a dime to the folks at Athens Regional since they won't work with us...maybe they'll just write it off LOL)

Thank you all for continuing to follow along and support us throughout this journey. I am not sure what my posting schedule will look like now that treatment is on hold but I'm sure I'll be back from time to time to give updates. Especially around the next MRI at the end of December and if anything happens before then. I might write a "touchy feely" post around 11/21- the 1 year anniversary of Rion's first seizure- that is sure to be an emotional day for me/us.

